Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Time out!

On this suney wensday morning me and my bruther and dad went for a bike ride at pt englind rserv. We saw 4 big horses. There was a blak and white horse that tried to bite us. A brown horse let us pat it and I was brave to put my hand on its nose.


  1. Hi Eziaz and Cruze,
    What a beautiful day to see the horsey's, they look like the took a liking to you both!!
    From Ms Davis

  2. Hi Eziaz,
    What a great place to have time-out and you look like you enjoyed the horses.Have you ever been on a horse?.


  3. Hi Eziaz,

    You are so lucky to have those beautiful horses near to your house. What a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday during the lockdown! Take care and keep up all the amazing learning that you are doing at home. Take care and stay safe in your Bubble.

    From Mrs Carter.


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