Friday, 3 April 2020

Fun Friday Activity!

Mum and I did a word train. We started with the word "THE" and the aim was to add a word to the train that started with the last letter of the previous word. I thought of and gave many big words a go which was pretty impressive. Over all, it was fun and got us both thinking  !!


  1. Wow Eziaz this is fun activity. I zoomed into the picture to see the word train. It was long and alot of the words were certainly big. Good luck with rest of you blogging.
    Ngā mihi nui
    Nā Matua Dave

  2. What a clever person you are. This looks like fun as well as being a great brain work out.

    Well done you.

    Mrs Burt

  3. This is another great idea Eziaz, you are very clever! Well done for trying something new as part of your Home Learning. Perhaps we can try this in Term 2?
    Take care,
    Mrs Carter.

  4. Woah Ezias! I love this activity. I am sure going to try it out with my grandchildren. Having fun while learning with those you love - great combination!

  5. Hi Eziaz, what an awesome idea. I'm going to try and write a poem today using this trick. I like how you and your mum worked together on it. I wonder if you had to think of some words with tricky letters like q, z or x.


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